Tinker Taylor’s Pledge to Sustainability


According to a recent ALBERT Sustainability survey, nearly half of all young people ranked climate change and the destruction of nature as the most serious issue affecting the world today, more pressing than war or inequality (World Economic Forum, 2017). It’s also something that’s keeping them up at night. 62% of young Britons said climate change made them fearful for the future (Broadbent et al. 2017). 

The team at Tinker Taylor want to make changes, both big and small, to become more sustainable. We’ve pledged to use The Sustainable Print whenever we need printing services, such as our new business cards, made of biodegradable 100% recycled paper and eco-friendly ink and are carbon offset with the World Land Trust. 

We’ve also pledged to make changes to our production process, such as always sending documents electronically, rather than physically – and we now take iPads on location, with documents requiring signatures, being signed electronically. 

Two of our team are ALBERT trained, and everyone else will go through the training in 2022. This is an excellent scheme which gives insight and training for production companies who are making changes to be sustainable. It offers a bespoke carbon calculator to work out the carbon footprint of production, as well as proper instruction of how a company can reduce their emissions.

This is just the beginning of our mission to implement a system that is consistently mindful of sustainability. We will continue to learn and take on advice and pledge to make more decisions based on sustainability moving forward!