NHS Blood + Transplant: National Campaigns and Internal Educational Film
NHS Blood + Transplant is a vital body of the NHS. They improve the supply of donated blood, organs and tissues, and raise the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of blood and transplant services. We are proud to have worked alongside NHSBT for a number of years, supplying them with a variety of work to promote the blood and organ donation.
Emile Heskey on why he donates blood
We had the pleasure of filming football legend Emile Heskey to raise awareness of the importance of blood donation from people with Afro-Caribbean heritage.
Heskey began giving blood after discovering that two of his children have the sickle cell trait gene. We interviewed him at Leicester’s new donation centre to show how painless and quick it is to donate!
#LeaveThemCertain – Mr & Mrs Ad’s for the Digital Platform
We produced a series of highly successful ad’s for NHSBT’s national campaign, #LeaveThemCertain, which follow a group of friends playing the iconic ‘Mr&Mrs’ game at various stages of a dinner party. We wanted to tug at the heartstrings of those watching and leave them thinking: do I know my loved ones wishes? The purpose of the campaign is to get people talking about their donation wishes, to save unneccessary pain and heartache in the unfortunate event that a loved one dies.
NHSBT – British Islamic Medical Association
Will my faith be respected? Does ethnicity matter? Who is in control of my organ donation? In this video, we interviewed medical professionals from the Muslim community to de-bunk some common myths and answer FAQs around organ donation.
#LeaveThemCertain – Spoken Word
With excellent poetry and performance from Adaya Henry, we produced this short video, targeting a different audience, for NHSBT’s #LeaveThemCertain campaign. This video gets right to the point of the importance of organ donation. We’re very happy with our rather beautiful subtitles on this one, too – take a look!