Serious about Carbon Reduction – Tinker Taylor and Ecologi

We offset our carbon footprint via Ecologi

In line with our pledge to sustainability we have signed up to Ecologi – a fantastic company who are investing our money into a broad range of carbon reduction projects all over the world.

Who are Ecologi?

Ecologi invest your company’s money into a huge amount of projects with an aim to create a greener world! With real-time carbon footprint analysis, pictures of where trees are planted, and updates on their Sustainable Development Goals – it always keeps you in the loop of how your money is making a real difference.

It’s now common knowledge that one of the best tools to tackle the climate crisis and keep our temperatures from rising above 1.5C is to plant trees. Ecologi has already planted 32,827,629 trees and reduced 1,279,476 tonnes of CO2 from being released into the atmosphere.

What have we achieved with Ecologi?

So far, Ecologi has invested our money into planting 98 trees in Madagascar, Kenya and Nicaragua, as well as into a variety of Sustainable Development Goals. These include Affordable and Clean Energy, No Poverty, and Good Health & Well-being.

We are serious about making our company as sustainable and ecologically responsible as possible. We’ve recently signed up to the new Electric Car Salary Sacrifice Scheme, a cycle-to-work scheme, and have switched to using only The Sustainable Print Co. for our mass printing needs. We urge other companies to do the same, if they can!