3 Excuses You’re Not Using Video For Marketing

Editing video for marketing purposes behind the scenes on set.

You’ve decided that video for marketing is not for you…we’re here to change your mind!

If you’ve read our blog detailing the steps to create an effective video marketing strategy…but you’re still not convinced about using video for marketing.


Maybe it’s your boss you need to convince or a fellow work colleague, or maybe you need an extra push to hop on the video production bandwagon.

Over the years, we’ve heard many reasons why companies aren’t adding video to their tool-belt.

So we felt it was time to bust the myths and debate those long-standing concerns.

Without further ado here are 3 excuses you’re currently not using video for marketing

1. It’s TOO expensive!

Here is the part where we think about what expensive truly means.

Before considering a video for your marketing, you should consider how much you are willing to invest in it, and the purpose of the video.

For example; if you plan to spend £10,000 on your videos, and from them generate over £50,000, is the price worth the high return on investment?

Of course, it is.

If you want a big production, it will look fantastic, and realistically it will cost more, so consider why you need a video, and where it’ll fit into your strategy beforehand.

Our team works with a range of clients, from one-off videos to large productions, meaning we can help you figure out what your budget would cover.

Creating a suitable video for marketing can be as grand or simple as you want.

2. I can’t stand seeing myself on camera!

You’ve told yourself video for marketing is crucial to your company…but you see that camera go on and look back at the footage and, well, you can’t bring yourself to watch it.

We are highly experienced interviewers, and trained in the art of making you feel comfortable and making you look amazing.

Or maybe consider an alternative if it’s truly not your cup of tea.

Perhaps think about instead having a professionally scripted video voiced by a professional video artist, a video like this can concisely get across your key messages without you having to appear anywhere near a camera.

Or even an animated video for your marketing, which can easily explain your product, or service, without using your face.

3. Our customers don’t really care about us using video for marketing.

This is a huge mistake.

Now, we can’t say why you may feel this way, but we can certainly tell you, that in this day and age, EVERYONE is watching a video.

Whether this is on their phones, on desktop, or otherwise, and we have the stats to back this up:

  • The number of people watching videos online only continues to grow, with video predicted to make up to 80% of all global traffic by 2019. – Tubular Insights
  • Businesses and marketers who used video ended up growing revenue 49% faster than non-video users in 2017. – Vidyard
  • Of those with videos on-site, 80% of marketers say video has increased dwell time. – HubSpot
  • Viewers retain 95% of a message after watching it in a video, compared to 10% when reading it in text. – Forbes
Tinker Taylor can help you with your video for marketing.

Would you like some help creating video for marketing?

Changed your mind about video, but unsure where to start now that you have? Why don’t you chat to an award winning video production agency to help you with your video marketing? Birmingham is where we’re based, although we have clients right across Europe.

Why don’t you find out how this video marketing agency can get you the most out of social media?