West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner – #NoExcuseForAbuse Campaign
Client -West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner
West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner – #NoExcuseForAbuse Campaign
Client -West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner

Tinker Taylor collaborated with the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner (WMPCC) to support the 2021-2025 pledge aimed at ending sexual abuse and harassment of women and girls in public spaces, especially when exercising. As part of the #NoExcuseForAbuse initiative, we were asked to create a video which would raise awareness, empower victims, shift attitudes, and encourage reporting of such incidents.

Driven by a female-led team, the creative process was deeply personal and authentic. We developed a video titled “I’m Tired of This,” which contrasted the joy and energy of exercise with the stark reality of harassment. The narrative followed a female protagonist experiencing escalating harassment, culminating in a powerful climax that highlighted the urgency and fear felt by victims. By drawing on personal experiences and insights, the video aimed to evoke strong emotional responses and emphasise the need for change.

The campaign made a substantial impact, generating over 1.1 million views and driving a 145% increase in traffic to the noexcuseforabuse.info website. Each visit represented a crucial opportunity for individuals to seek help or support. 

The West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner remarked, “Preventing and tackling violence against women and girls is a top priority for me, because of the devastating impact it can have on victims. I want our region to be on the front foot, reaching new audiences in innovative ways and helping to frame these harmful behaviours in a new light. This particular campaign did exactly that. It really resonated with people, because they truly felt the cumulative impact of abuse and harassment, thanks to the powerful story that was told”.